Customised transformation tool for 3D objects in RealGUIDE environment

Data di creazione: 30/08/2022 17:56    Ultimo aggiornamento: 02/09/2022 12:49    3d objects cad teeth teeth library widget
RealGUIDE's custom transformation tool (Widget), allows you to perform multiple transformation actions on 3D objects: it is equipped with sliders, ferrules and arrows (see image below) that allow you to scale, move, rotate and make complex movements to 3D objects. All possible actions are applied with reference to the centre of the custom transformation tool; this point can be moved in space, thus determining a new centre of movement, translation and scaling for the object itself.

To move an object in the RealGUIDE co-ordinate system, use the BIG ARROWS :
  • BLUE arrows Z-axis movements;
  • RED arrows X-axis movements;
  • GREEN arrows Y-axis movements.
The action can be performed by dragging the arrow in the direction of interest (left mouse button), or by clicking on the arrow itself, which will be highlighted in yellow: a window will appear where you can enter a numerical value (in mm) of the desired displacement along the selected direction.

To perform a rotation in the RealGUIDE co-ordinate system, use the dotted FERRULES:
  • BLUE ferrule rotation in the plane perpendicular to the Z-axis;
  • RED ferrule rotation in the plane perpendicular to the X-axis;
  • GREEN ferrule rotation in the plane perpendicular to the Y-axis
In addition, the VIOLET ferrule allows the 3D object to be rotated in the plane parallel to the user's view

The orientation of the object can be done either by directly rotating the ferrule (left mouse button), or by clicking on it (it will be highlighted in yellow). A window where you can enter in a numerical value (in degrees) of the rotation in the desired plane will appear. 

To scale an object, act on the CONTROL POINTS, represented by the dots shown in the figure below (BLUE, RED, GREEN dots): the object will be scaled volumetrically with respect to the 3D object's center.

Scaling can be done by dragging one of the points (left mouse button), or by clicking on it (it will be highlighted in yellow): a window in which you can enter a numerical scaling value (in percent) will appear. 

Control points also allow custom scaling:
  • UNIDIRETIONAL scaling: hold down CTRL key + left mouse button
  • BIDIRECTIONAL scaling: hold SHIFT key + left mouse button

MINOR DIMENSION ARROWS allow you to MOVE, ROTATE AND SCALING the CENTER OF THE OBJECT (CSRS): you can change the center's position by dragging the arrow (left mouse button) in the desired direction or clicking on it and entering a numerical value (in mm).

Below are some examples of this tool use:
  • Positioning of teeth libraries in the CAD module;
  • Single tooth positioning in the CAD module;
  • Scans positioning and realignment  in the CAD module;
  • Connections positioning in the CAD module;